Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
Welcome to your Second Grade class! This year will be full of new opportunities and experiences. I am looking forward to a fantastic school year, complete with challenges and adventures. I promise to take a personal interest in your child’s education and to help him/her achieve their highest ability.
Your child will receive the best education when you, our dedicated teachers, and I work as a team. It’s a parents’ enthusiasm, support, and involvement that inspires children to do their best; and a teacher’s ability to teach what they need to learn. Together we can achieve wonderful things!
There’s a lot of excitement ahead of us, including new teachers to meet, new books to read, new friends to meet, and new skills to master..and I look forward with you to sharing in those exciting times.
In closing, I encourage you to take the time from your busy schedule to become familiar with our school, as well as, create a homework-friendly home environment that will allow your child to excel.
Thank you for your commitment to your child’s education and I look forward to seeing you in the very near future.
2018-2019 2nd grade teachers
Skills to practice:
• Addition and subtraction facts up to 20
• Doubles addition facts
• Regrouping with addition and subtraction
• Read at least 20 minutes a day
• Practice reading the second grade sight word list (click on link below)
Summer Resources:
• Log onto I-Ready Math and Reading at least 30 minutes each a week.
Get on the computer during the summer and practice essential skills! Here’s how:
1. Go to
2. Log in
a. Username: student number
b. Password: birth year, birth month, birth day (YYYYMMDD)
3. Click on I-Ready reading or math to practice essential skills OR click on MyON to read books and take quizzes.
We are looking forward to a great school year!
2nd grade teachers
Resources for parents and students:
Parent Guide to the B.E.S.T. Standards (Language Arts- Reading)
Parent Guide to the B.E.S.T Standards (Math)
Get extra practice or help on homework for your student here- Tutorials and student resources