Dear Meadow Woods Elementary Families,
Welcome to Meadow Woods Elementary, “Home of the Manatees”! We are happy you are here.
My name is Edmi Figueroa Solis, and I am proud to be your principal. It is truly an honor to be part of this wonderful community. I am proud to be leading our school community through the different pathways that will help our scholars reach their fullest potential.
At Meadow Woods Elementary, we believe in the importance of developing and supporting the whole child. We ensure our scholars have not only the academic resources they need to thrive but also the social-emotional skills necessary to reach as many academic accomplishments as they possibly can.
I believe, leading students to academic success is a joint effort between our teachers, school staff, and our families. For this reason, I invite you to engage in school and district initiatives this 2024-2025 school year to support your child’s academic growth.
Ways you can support your children are:
- Ensure they come to school every day and on time
- Regularly, monitor their academic work and grades on Skyward
- Contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns about your student academics or behavior
With your support, I am looking forward to a great school year full of innovative experiences that will lead our students to reach their academic goals.
Edmi Figueroa Solis